Admission Essays: Grand Worry Or Show of Strength?

Life is not always play and leisure. For a student, in particular. When asked to submit in an admission essay as part of the entry policy, tensions rise! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Essays can be an excellent communication tool that talks about you. It demonstrates your capabilities and that is exactly why it has to be a thoughtful effort. Essays don’t really wholly represent the candidate but it gives off an aura of who you are in the way that you write. Being dismal does not help and reading these few tips will not only help your efforts but enhance it as well.


Admission essays are factual pieces of work by a student. Selection of topic is integral for you to write well. By being familiar with your topic, time can be effectively managed in organizing your essay. If given the option, always choose your own topic for this effect to come about. Once decided, note down your key points. Essays comprise of three fundamental parts. The introduction which brings forth the topic. The discussion which talks about various aspects and views about the topic. And finally, the end which reveals your opinion and your stance on the topic. Use your points according to these sections and fit them in respectively.

Admission essays are works in English so it is not expected to have errors. Especially grammatical and the wide misuse of vocabulary. If an essay has to portray you positively, it has to be error-free. The whole purpose of writing an admission essay is to let others know how capable you are through your writing. If it’s full of mistakes, you have lost an opportunity and would result in rejection of your application. Be careful with your draft. Once finished, read and re-read the whole piece. Let family and friends in and ask them what they think of it. There’s always room for improvement.


Admission essays are a test of an applicant. It rightly defends your capability and matches the standards that a college, graduation program or any other academic institute would implement. It’s not that they set them up to an unfair disadvantage, the student has to prove that he can perform in order to earn his credentials. This is the reason students are put to the test. As an applicant, follow these simple guidelines to increase your chances of approval. Also, keep reading. Reading will build your skills and help your develop as a writer.