More than just a .PPT: Age of digitalization



In the age of digitalization, we’ve so many different mediums through which we can present our work such as Prize, Visme, and PowerPoint you can easily design your presentation that’s not a difficult thing anymore but a good design doesn’t guarantee a good PowerPoint presentation and that’s the point we’ve seen people missing these days.

Your presentation can have all the crafty elements included in it but that doesn’t guarantee that it’s going to deliver the message you intended it to deliver because a presentation can be pleasing to eyes but you’re not in an art gallery you’re there to present your work.

There are some rules:

There are some rules that you should keep in mind before creating any presentation be it on PowerPoint or any other platform. 

  1. Don’t follow any beaten track because it makes your PowerPoint presentation predictable and boring. Last thing you want to be during your presentation is being predictable.
  2. Be creative in your approach, because when you’re creative in your approach it’s going to exhibit confidence in your work.
  3. Make it easy! Both for yourself and for your viewers. Don’t make your presentation complicated because it kills the basic purpose of a presentation. Make it understandable and easy.
  4. Your presentation should be well-researched because it’s the essence of your work, if you do it half-heartedly then it’s going to compromise your whole work. So, give it its due time and make sure you presentation hit the right notes.
  5. Know your audience! Each audience is different and carry different sensitive points where you can hit them. So it’s better to be prepared and plan accordingly.
  6. Don’t Go After Wordcount! That’s a trap, I repeat that’s a trap. One common mistake we’ve seen throughout experience is that when people mistake wordscount for a well-researched work. But that’s not the case. Word count doesn’t mean your PowerPoint Presentation is well-researched it only means that you’re trying to create a wrong impression, and people are too smart about it.

The Perfect Research with the Perfect Researcher

Research papers are mostly the last obstacle to achieve one’s qualification, be it master’s, doctoral or postgraduate degrees. It is quite different from sitting for examinations where a set of questions need to be answered from a defined curriculum.

Here, students need to go an extra mile to develop papers that add to the vast ocean of academic knowledge. Research papers demand studying variety of literatures for deriving conclusions or supporting one’s proposed study. Whereas, proposing a study is a simple task, but to support it with relevant evidence requires turning the heavens and the earth around. This may not be every student’s cup of tea, yet options are there that can be undertaken. Assistance of research papers writing services can be availed to develop the perfect research papers.



Developing research papers require deep intellectual and academic base. Whereas, student progressing to the level of research paper may have proven to possess academic base, however, it is not necessary that they may have also achieved the required level of intellectual base. That is something which requires going an extra mile and studying from sources beyond the academic curriculum. Research Paper Writing Services can provide for this intellect gap as it consists of individuals and teams that have an extensive experience in writing research papers on a variety of topics. Thus, they possess a deep intellectual base that is required for research papers, and is likely to win the approval of the evaluation committee. Students can make use of their expertise into developing an enlightening research paper, and winning the top grade.


Whereas, there are several benefits of employing expert assistance of research paper writing services, students need to ensure their credibility as well. There are several research writing ‘mascots’ who present themselves as ‘freelance writers’ and would not have so much as even written a high school essay. They seek to exploit innocent and unsuspecting students by writing a below-par paper that would easily find the bottom of rejection bin, and make money out of them. It is advised that assistance should only be availed after students have thoroughly verified the competence and credibility of the writing service.   

Writing Essays That Inspire!

For some students, essays are a symbol of discomfort or gloom. No matter what they try, they just can’t shake that feeling off. Instead of actually attempting it, students dread it. This only ensures the worst that they imagined, occurring soon. Dread is not the answer, it doesn’t have to be gloomy. By following some simple advice, students can enjoy this opportunity to show off their writing skills and personality. Academics or otherwise, essay writing is a skill every student has to acquire and develop with the passage of time. Here are some simple rules to understand when attempting to write essays.

The single most beneficial step you can take before attempting the essay is asking to choose your own topic. This bequeaths you with an advantage over time. If you are familiar with a topic that you already understand, you eradicate the need for time-consuming, frustrating research. This way you have plenty of time left to structure your essay. Note down your points for the essay, this will help you organize your data and information for presentation. By presentation, I mean immaculate presentation by good sentence structures and eloquent use of the English language.

Essays can be difficult if you do not understand the vital three sections that comprise an essay. The starting, the discussion and the conclusion sections are meant to do exactly what they are called. The starting introduces a topic and lets the reader understand why the topic was selected. The discussion reveals various aspects regarding the topic and sheds light on other perspectives and views. And lastly, the conclusion that rounds up all discussions and debates by offering your opinion or stance. This is just the sketch-out of essays that are going integrate your topic’s information into this particular-sectioned format.


The points noted down can now be adorned to the section that it compliments but that is not all. Careful use of the grammar along with clever and intelligent utilization of vocabulary may impress the reader. Here is where personality comes into play and influences your style of writing yet clear and concise. Creativeness is recommended depending on how well you can carry it. Also, recheck your material before submitting it in. if it’s full of mistakes and errors, it’s going to reflect badly. If kept in mind, these simple tips will stop the dread and let students enjoy writing!

Admission Essays: Grand Worry Or Show of Strength?

Life is not always play and leisure. For a student, in particular. When asked to submit in an admission essay as part of the entry policy, tensions rise! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Essays can be an excellent communication tool that talks about you. It demonstrates your capabilities and that is exactly why it has to be a thoughtful effort. Essays don’t really wholly represent the candidate but it gives off an aura of who you are in the way that you write. Being dismal does not help and reading these few tips will not only help your efforts but enhance it as well.


Admission essays are factual pieces of work by a student. Selection of topic is integral for you to write well. By being familiar with your topic, time can be effectively managed in organizing your essay. If given the option, always choose your own topic for this effect to come about. Once decided, note down your key points. Essays comprise of three fundamental parts. The introduction which brings forth the topic. The discussion which talks about various aspects and views about the topic. And finally, the end which reveals your opinion and your stance on the topic. Use your points according to these sections and fit them in respectively.

Admission essays are works in English so it is not expected to have errors. Especially grammatical and the wide misuse of vocabulary. If an essay has to portray you positively, it has to be error-free. The whole purpose of writing an admission essay is to let others know how capable you are through your writing. If it’s full of mistakes, you have lost an opportunity and would result in rejection of your application. Be careful with your draft. Once finished, read and re-read the whole piece. Let family and friends in and ask them what they think of it. There’s always room for improvement.


Admission essays are a test of an applicant. It rightly defends your capability and matches the standards that a college, graduation program or any other academic institute would implement. It’s not that they set them up to an unfair disadvantage, the student has to prove that he can perform in order to earn his credentials. This is the reason students are put to the test. As an applicant, follow these simple guidelines to increase your chances of approval. Also, keep reading. Reading will build your skills and help your develop as a writer.

8 Tips That Will Make You Good at Academic Writing


Having a proper tone in academic writing has a substantial impact on not only your grade for the paper but it also on the likelihood of that paper being published. These 8 tips should help you sharpen your skills and can also be used on a broader perspective such as writing for a thesis, exam or for a publication:

1.    Read To Write

When you read good writing extensively, you will get a knack for writing like professional once you pick the tips and tricks used by the best writers. Read reviews and previous of journals of the fields that interest you as they give you an informal style of how to communicate with your audience in a broader way.

2.    Make Sense of the Terminologies

For new writers, using the terminologies correctly is challenging as the use of new and complicated words can be a little tricky and might lead to debates. Read extensively to get the hang of tricky terms and if you are confused about the definition, you can always consult your mentor.

3.    Attend Writing Workshops

Talk to students who have successfully done academic writing similar to yours and make it a habit of attending writing workshops where you can learn a lot of useful tips and tricks. Schools usually have a track of students and a copy of the papers that were well written. So use those as you might be able to understand them better than the high profile published ones.

4.    Organize Sources

Type out each citation or use some online program to keep a track of all your sources so that you can easily document all the contributions that were incorporated into the paper.

5.    Make a Schedule

Setting internal deadlines is essential so make sure you schedule a specific time for uninterrupted writing and time yourself increasingly long to help you stay on track for longer periods of time.

6.    Take Proper Breaks

Take a break from academic writing so that you can restart with a fresh mind. It is also good to try out new locations to see where you work best.

7.    Compare and Contrast

Focus more on why your project will work rather than why it won’t but at the same time discuss pitfalls in detail so that you are well informed if any question or objection is raised in the future.

8.    Proofreading from someone else

Sometimes we are so used to our style of writing that we miss out on many mistakes while writing so ask someone who is familiar with the field you wrote in and have them proofread your work.

Using these tips, you might actually surprise yourself with how well your assignment turns out.

How to Find Research Paper Topic Ideas to Nail Your Research Paper

The very first thing you need when wondering how to find research paper topic ideas is to gather your research partners and think about what your paper could be about. The good thing about brainstorming with everyone present is that you get a vast variety of ideas and a diverse range of topics. You could do this in levels, where in the first round each and every idea would be considered no matter how crazy or difficult it sounds. In the next round, you could cross out ideas on different basis such as that of difficulty or time duration and on the last step you could vote for the best ideas or weigh the pros versus the cons.


If you are confused about how to find research paper topic ideas you can ease things up by choosing a topic that has literature readily available. This literature should be both easy to access and easy to understand. Unless you are extremely sure about the payoffs that would come by going for a topic with scarce literature, it might be best to not go for it. A research topic’s value is greatly dependent on what can be extracted from its literature. If not enough information is present about a certain topic then choosing it will not benefit anyone.

After you have made sure that enough literature is present and that you can easily access it then the next part is to make sure that you and your team will be able to manage the chosen topic. You should be concerned about work load, research schedules and the time allowance as well as how much each member is prepared to work.  Once you cross that bridge, start making a list of keywords. Keywords are important because they help you define exactly what you want to talk about and in what order.


Remember, at any step in figuring out how to find research paper topic ideas , you or a member of your time might get uncertain about the way things are being done, the keywords chosen or even the topic itself. This is why it is very important to be flexible and patient.

As you near towards finalizing your research paper topic try to define it as a focused research question.


If the question is approved by the group members and sound good enough to make sense, then start to do some more research about it.  Reading journals, surveys and articles will help.

After all these steps have been done, you are now ready to write down your thesis statement and start with your research paper!

Free Tips on Writing Your Master Thesis


Dreading your master thesis is common among students waiting for their graduation day, but you are not the first. There are many students who survived the nightmare; I am sure it makes you wonder how. Well here is the thing, preparing for your thesis may not be as bad as you think. All you need is a jumpstart and proper guidance to get you churning with ideas and concepts. Here are a few free tips on writing your master thesis.


Breaking the Ice with a Concept

Knowing your topic inside-out is important for master thesis writing. You need a core concept first and then decide on a topic. Do not rush with creating a perfect topic right off the bat; identify a subtle concept first as it gives you a wider angle and perspective. Once you identify your concept, brainstorm for ideas and topics that may be relevant to your core concept, skimming through recent news can be useful.


The Proposal

Yes, may sound basic but that is what gets your started. You need a rough draft or a sketch of your final master thesis before you can actually achieve it. Aiming a dart in a dark room will get you nowhere; prepare a proposal and get it approved by your supervisor; it will give you a perspective and direction for your final master thesis.


Outlining your Argument

Creating a list of tables or a table of contents gives you a map you need to follow while structuring your master thesis. Make a list of possible topics you will cover in your thesis, it will help you refine your reading material and keep your sources relevant to your field of study.


Collecting Sources and Making Notes

Now you are down to business; once you have prepared an outline and the proposal, you need to start accumulating data. Your brain is limited in memorizing content you read once, so always mark your sources, and make notes simultaneously, which will be beneficial at a later stage.