Free Tips on Writing Your Master Thesis


Dreading your master thesis is common among students waiting for their graduation day, but you are not the first. There are many students who survived the nightmare; I am sure it makes you wonder how. Well here is the thing, preparing for your thesis may not be as bad as you think. All you need is a jumpstart and proper guidance to get you churning with ideas and concepts. Here are a few free tips on writing your master thesis.


Breaking the Ice with a Concept

Knowing your topic inside-out is important for master thesis writing. You need a core concept first and then decide on a topic. Do not rush with creating a perfect topic right off the bat; identify a subtle concept first as it gives you a wider angle and perspective. Once you identify your concept, brainstorm for ideas and topics that may be relevant to your core concept, skimming through recent news can be useful.


The Proposal

Yes, may sound basic but that is what gets your started. You need a rough draft or a sketch of your final master thesis before you can actually achieve it. Aiming a dart in a dark room will get you nowhere; prepare a proposal and get it approved by your supervisor; it will give you a perspective and direction for your final master thesis.


Outlining your Argument

Creating a list of tables or a table of contents gives you a map you need to follow while structuring your master thesis. Make a list of possible topics you will cover in your thesis, it will help you refine your reading material and keep your sources relevant to your field of study.


Collecting Sources and Making Notes

Now you are down to business; once you have prepared an outline and the proposal, you need to start accumulating data. Your brain is limited in memorizing content you read once, so always mark your sources, and make notes simultaneously, which will be beneficial at a later stage.